
Tuesday + Thursday, 9:30-10:45, 243 Kauke // Dr. Jacob Heil, 158D Andrews Library

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DH Tool Review and Presentation

Due in class 8 MAR 2018

CoRE Components

The Big Idea

There are a great many low-barrier-to-entry tools out there to help facilitate digital humanities research. As an example, you might consider Voyant: for me, this is “low-barrier” because (1) it’s web-based so it doesn’t require a software download/install and (2) the entry point is dead simple, just paste, link, or upload. Low-barrier tools help humanists get to the humanistic questions and analysis more quickly. They are most often, however, gateways to more refined, if sometimes more cumbersome tools.

I want you to identify a tool that you would like to choose a tool from from the list below. You will explore that tool, learn how to use it, discern why one might choose to use that tool (what kinds of questions will it answer?), and prepare a demonstration in which you demonstrate your understanding of these components for your peers and your professor.

Criteria for Evaluation

You will be evaluated on a 10-minute presentation that you will give to your peers during a class meeting. Your presentation should include:

You will be evaluated according to how thoroughly you address these points and how organized your presentation appears to be. Time will be of the essence: rehearse and do not go over the allotted 10 minutes.

Low-Barrier Tools for Review

Engaging Texts

Stanford Named Entity Tagger
Poem Viewer

Mapping and/or Timelines


Re-presenting Texts

Juxta Editions
Annotation Studio

Data Mining/Visualizing

Paper Machines* (requires that you use Zotero)

* Requires a download/install

Booking Meetings

Course Archive: 2017

Creative Commons License
An Introduction to Digital Humanities by Jacob Heil is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.