
Tuesday + Thursday, 9:30-10:45, 243 Kauke // Dr. Jacob Heil, 158D Andrews Library

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Archive of 2017 Course Materials.

Home. // Assignments/Grading. // Schedule. // Policies.


I typically check my email a couple of times each day, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll see emails sent in the hour (say) before class. When you write to me by email please do so from your Wooster account and please use the subject line to describe the nature of the communication.

I will communicate with you by email, working under the assumption that it’s fair to expect that you’re checking your Wooster email at least once per day. I will also use Moodle for some communication, in addition to using it for grades and attendance.

I will hold office hours from 2:00-3:00 on Tuesday afternoons and from 10:00-11:30 on Wednesday mornings. You can drop in if you’d like, but appointments will take precedence. You will notice that I am in my office during business hours M-F, nevertheless, if you’d like to meet with me outside of my posted office hours, please do your best to schedule a meeting in advance so that I can make room and get it on the calendar.

Attendance (and absences)
Attendance is mandatory. Each of you will bring a unique disciplinary and culturally situated perspective to bear on any given topic, which is to say that the richest kind of class experience for our community is the one in which all perspectives are present *and* engaged. If you have a reasonable explanation for missing a class, such as a medical ailment or recognized academic conflict, you should notify as soon as you are able and I will give you an additional assignment (or small project) to make up for the absence.

Late arrival, poor class citizenship (see participation, below), or early exits will count as half of an absence; absences accrued in this manner will not be subject to make-up assignments and will negatively impact your citizenship evaluation.

Be a good citizen of the class. Presence and engagement (see attendance, above) are measured by one’s preparedness to discuss the readings, projects, or activities they have been asked to review. In addition, one should be willing to contribute ideas that further discussion and, where applicable, expertise that helps one’s peers. In this class, where facility with technologies will be at a premium, a rising tide raises all ships. Blame my idealism, but I beleive that the more we can do together, the more we can do.

At intervals during the semester I’ll ask you to reflect on your citizenship in the class. These will be written, and they’ll be taken into account when I assign final grades for this portion of the course grade.

Late Work
Assignments are due when they are due. Many, but not all due dates and times will be reflected in this syllabus; one way or another students will be made aware of the due dates for major assignments well in advance of their due date. Work that is submitted after the deadline – typically the beginning of class on the day that it’s due unless otherwise indicated – will be penalized with a one-letter-grade (ten point) reduction per day. (Note that all assignments must be completed in order to pass the course, so that giving up on an assignment is not advised.)

If one must submit an assignment after the due date, they should make arrangements with me ahead of time, insofar as this is possible.

Academic Honesty and the Code of Academic Integrity
The academic program at the College seeks to promote the intellectual development of each student and the realization of that individual’s potential for creative thinking, learning, and understanding. In achieving this, each student must learn to use his/her mind rigorously, independently, and imaginatively.

The College’s understanding and expectations in regard to issues of academic honesty are fully articulated in the Code of Academic Integrity as published in The Scot’s Key and form an essential part of the implicit contract between the student and the College. The Code provides a framework at Wooster to help students develop and exhibit honesty in their academic work. You are expected to know and abide by the rules of the institution as described in The Scot’s Key and the Handbook of Selected College Policies.

Dishonesty in any of your academic work is a serious breach of the Code of Academic Integrity and is grounds for an “F” for the entire course. Such violations include turning in another person’s work as your own, copying from any source without proper citation, crossing the boundary of what is allowed in a group project, submitting an assignment produced for a course to a second course without the authorization of all the instructors, and lying in connection with your academic work. You will be held responsible for your actions. Particular attention should be directed to the appropriate use of materials available through the Internet. Whether intentional or not, improper use of materials is a violation of academic honesty. If you are unsure as to what is permissible, please contact your course instructor.

Learning Center Support
The Learning Center (ext. 2595) offers services designed to help students improve their overall academic performance. Sessions are structured to promote principles of effective learning and academic management. Any student on campus may schedule sessions at the Learning Center. The Learning Center also offers a variety of services and accommodations to students with disabilities based on appropriate documentation, nature of disability, and academic need. In order to initiate services, students should meet with Pam Rose, Director of the Learning Center, at the start of the semester to discuss reasonable accommodations. You may contact the Learning Center at ext. 2595 or through email at

Regarding Final Exams
No final examinations are to be given during the last week of classes or on reading days. Students who wish to reschedule a final exam must petition the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement in writing in advance of the examination. The student must confer with the instructor before submitting a petition, and the instructor should indicate to the Dean if he or she supports the petition. Normally, such petitions are granted only for health reasons. If other reasons necessitate a request for a change in a final exam, the request must be submitted three weeks in advance of the examination.

Recording Class Meetings
No student may record or tape or photograph any classroom activity without the express written consent of the faculty member. If a student believes that he/she is disabled and needs to record or tape classroom activities, he/she should contact the Learning Center to request an appropriate accommodation.

Creative Commons License
An Introduction to Digital Humanities by Jacob Heil is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.